About Caparol CapaFloor
Caparol CapaFloor
CapaFloor – Protection and repair of concrete floors
Raw concrete floors are exposed to and absorb all kinds of chemicals, UV light and other environmental challenges. Over time these contaminants, along with the constant traffic and work done on a floor area, will dirty, chemically affect and weaken the floor and its reinforcing materials.
Protect your floor with the CapaFloor floor coating system and reduce the cost of maintaining it in a sound condition, while also improving the aesthetic look of the floor and the area surrounding it.
The CapaFloor floor coating system is based on the technical innovations the best Germany can offer, providing products for the flooring segment that will perform effectively in the Middle East conditions.
Source: http:
09 67 00 - Fluid-Applied Flooring
09 90 00 - Painting and Coating
Categories: interior, finishes, wall cover, floor, flooring, coating.