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About KONE InnoTrack™

KONE InnoTrack™

Revolutionary new autowalk solution that requires no pit and offers unparalleled flexibility.

Operational environment: Indoor
Min/max speed: 0.5 or 0.65 m/s
Inclination: 0 degrees
Step width: 1000 or 1400 mm
Rise / length: 60 m


The KONE InnoTrack is the first autowalk that doesn’t need a pit.

The modular design of the KONE InnoTrack enables you to bring it to the site through the door instead of through the wall. You can install it in existing buildings on a finished floor. You can shorten it, lengthen it, change the color or re-install it somewhere else.

The KONE InnoTrack uses tested technology with a proven track record in other KONE products. It has merely been packaged in an innovative way. This means that you can enjoy the best of both worlds: the benefits of a revolutionary innovation with KONE's guaranteed reliability.

Brochures for KONE InnoTrack™

Brochures for KONE InnoTrack™
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KONE Escalator and Autowalk Solutions
PDF 758 kB Open
KONE InnoTrack™ Brochure
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