About Power Cage Clamp®
Power Cage Clamp®
The Range of Rail Mounted Terminal Blocks for Wire Sizes Ranging from 6 mm² to 95 mm².
Connecting conductors up to 95 mm² with a turn of the hand.
They are precise and safe. They are fast and convenient. They accept all types of wires from 6 mm² to 95 mm² (AWG 4 to 4/0) – which is superior to any other comparable terminal block on the market. The three versions of the 285 Series rail-mounted terminal blocks are suitable for applications with rated currents up to 232 A. Based on a unique patented technology, the largest version has been holding its ground in the market for many years.
Source: http:
23 09 00 - Instrumentation and Control for HVAC
25 00 00 - Integrated Automation
25 52 00 - Integrated Automation Control of Conveying Equipment
25 55 00 - Integrated Automation Control of HVAC
25 56 00 - Integrated Automation Control of Electrical Systems
25 57 00 - Integrated Automation Control of Communications Systems
25 58 00 - Integrated Automation Control of Electronic Safety and Security Systems
Categories: connectors, pcb terminal blocks, installation connectors, modular terminal blocks, power cage clamp, high current terminal blocks, connecting.