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Penetron Admix Helps Protect Historic Estonia Castle from Hydrostatic Pressure

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27 Jan 2025

Completed in October 2024, the new outdoor swimming pool at the historic Wagenküll Castle Spa in Taagepera, Estonia, adds a key amenity to the recently renovated luxury hotel complex. PENETRON ADMIX, a crystalline concrete waterproofing admixture, was specified to ensure the impermeability – and durability – of the swimming pool structure.

Penetron Admix Helps Protect Historic Estonia Castle from Hydrostatic Pressure

Located in the tiny village of Taagepera in southern Estonia, the art nouveau style Wagenküll Castle Spa (a.k.a. the Taagepera Castle), including the distinctive 40 meter (132 feet) main tower, was designed by Otto Wildau, a Riga-based architect who designed many notable buildings in the region. Built in 1907, the castle served as a home for the family of Baron Hugo von Stryk.

Today, the completely renovated castle complex provides a unique setting for the Wagenküll Castle Spa, a luxury hotel refreshed in the style of the 1930s. The complex offers luxury accommodations with 72 rooms and suites, an à la carte restaurant, a well-appointed spa, as well as an “Alice in Wonderland”-themed garden. The hotel rooms are located in the Pargimaja, a three-story building designed by Alar Kotli, an Estonian architect, and completed at the end of the 1930s.

“Recently, the owners of this historic hotel drew up plans for an outdoor pool as an enhancement to the hotel’s leisure amenities,” explains Andrus Sona, Director of Penmaster OÜ, the Penetron representative for Estonia. “They had heard of Penetron products and were decidedly interested in the durability of our concrete waterproofing solutions.”

Concrete is ideal for pool decks, airport runways, and sidewalks because it is a naturally porous material that absorbs water quite well. However, this permeability – when exposed to the constant hydrostatic pressure of a swimming pool full of chlorinated water – can lead to rapid deterioration of the reinforced concrete structure.

“Waterproofing a concrete swimming pool is essential to maintain structural integrity, prevent leaks, and extend the lifespan of the pool,” adds Andrus Sona. “PENETRON ADMIX, a crystalline waterproofing admixture, has been proven to resist water penetration against hydrostatic pressure of swimming pools in countless projects in climates similar to Estonia and around the world. It also protects from chemical reactions that lead to chloride-induced corrosion of the embedded reinforcement steel, a critical aspect of concrete durability.”

Once PENETRON ADMIX was specified, the local Penetron representative worked with VMT Betoon, the ready-mix concrete supplier, to provide an optimal waterproofing solution.

#penetron #waterproofing #concreterepair

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03 00 00 - Concrete
03 15 00 - Concrete Accessories
03 39 00 - Concrete Curing
07 00 00 - Thermal and Moisture Protection
  07 10 00 - Dampproofing and Waterproofing
07 11 00 - Dampproofing
07 14 00 - Fluid-Applied Waterproofing
07 16 00 - Cementitious and Reactive Waterproofing

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