About Air Handling Units
Air Handling Units
Euroclima is a market-oriented manufacturing company, providing top quality technology in the air-handling sector. It has obtained 'Eurovent' classification, which classifies the company among the very few, who can guarantee their rated performance and selections.
Euroclima also produces a range of hygienic AHU, suitable for hospitals and industrial applications.
News archive:
Euroclima at Bologna Airport (3 Jun 2013)
Euroclima air handling units for indoor pools (8 Oct 2012)
Euroclima hygienic air handling units. (28 Jul 2010)
23 70 00 - Central HVAC Equipment
23 73 00 - Indoor Central-Station Air-Handling Units
23 74 00 - Packaged Outdoor HVAC Equipment
23 75 00 - Custom-Packaged Outdoor HVAC Equipment
Categories: Euroclima, air handling units.