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Euroclima hygienic air handling units.

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28 Jul 2010

Across the GCC a number of new hospital projects are coming up requiring the highest level of engineering to comply with international health standard. Air handling unit used for those installation, need to comply with hygienic standard to protect the installation from numerous hazardous facts in particular:

  • Bacteria and mould are biological contaminants, which can breed in air conditioners and form a biofilm
  • Under certain conditions, the airborne propagation of micro organisms (or their products) is possible through the air conditioning system
  • Suspended in indoor air, respiratory infections, lung diseases etc. are a significant risk mainly for people with weak immune system, especially children and old people
  • Possible health problems are: allergic illness, irritant effects, toxic effects
Building a proper hygienic air handling is not an arbitrary endeavor. The units are well regulated thru the following standards: EN 13779, EN 15251, VDI 3803, VDI 6022, DIN 1946 part 4 .

Euroclima hygienic air handling units.

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